And We're off


The day has finally arrived - the launch of the VUSA Mobile Library. A pipe dream that has finally become a reality.

Our little tuk-tuk library will visit 3 registered ECD centres each day filled with books and puzzles. The programme is driven by Lungile Moferi, the most wonderful man, and as a father himself, he has brought a special element to our reading programme. His interaction with the children is gentle and warm and his engagement with the children is a massive part of what this programme is all about - so much of doing this work is the ability to connect with the children.

Onwards and Upwards

Whilst we were pleased to put 2020 behind us, it was a year where we learnt a lot about our programme, our children, and coaches. Valuable operational structures were put in place to deal with COVID regulations. Our children love the safe space that VUSA creates, the daily meal and interaction with their coaches. Our coaches have been outstanding in their roles as mentors, coaches, role models and implementers of COVID protocols.

What was missed was rugby, the physical activity, the excitement of matches and the camaraderie. Ball skills and touch rugby, whilst better than nothing are just not the same as a bus trip to an away game. We are hoping that regulations will allow rugby matches later in the year!

Whilst our coaches are dedicated, motivated and inspiring, they are not always equipped to manage the difficult circumstances their children are faced with. The Bishops Support Unit (BSU) has thus offered VUSA support of one of its intern students in 2021.

The Edunova academic programme offering Maths and English support, is also once again up and running with additional spaces to provide homework support for learners who are only attending school on alternate days, has been incorporated.

Awaken Opportunities

A year that began with so much promise quickly collapsed as the world came to grips with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the disparity and loss that has been felt the world over, we are pleased to report that we have taken one resounding positive from this year and that is RELATIONSHIPS. When we reflect on 2020, what stands out the most are the incredible people we have met and worked with. There are extraordinary NGO's and business's out there and phenomenal individuals who make this world a better place.

COVID left many of our children demotivated, anxious and depressed, and it was only in Level 1, when activities slowly began to resume that we saw spirits begin to lift. The VUSA sport and recreational programmes undoubtedly impact the emotional and mental wellbeing of our beneficiaries. Participation in group recreation provides a sense of value, belonging and attachment. An anxious, depressed child cannot function optimally in the classroom, on the sports field or in society at large.

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Lockdown in Langa

We have learned a lot over the past few months of COVID.  Every action has an impact and it is now clear that every inaction too has an impact.

After lockdown started on the 24th March, it was abundantly clear that the immediate need in the Langa community was food. With unbelievable help from our Corporate and individual donors, it wasn’t long before VUSA was safely able to feed 500 children per day.

May 2020 Newsletter

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has ”   Margaret Mead

When President Cyril Ramaphosa  heeded a call  for all South African's to batten the hatches in order to flatten the curve five weeks ago, our immediate concern was for the welfare of our VUSA children.  Devastating scenes from around the world,  meant we had to protect our hospital workers but with many of the VUSA families already living below the breadline, we also knew we could not close our doors.  

Many of South Africa's children previously received meals in daily school feeding schemes and these were reduced to two days a week.  With many families on a 'no work, no pay' situation, having to feed an an additional mouth five days a week added to the strain.   VUSA coaches supported one of the primary schools with in distribution twice a week, and as residents of Langa, highlighted a major concern - some children had to walk long distances to receive a meal thus compromising their safety. We  thus were able to secure additional venues at two of our partner ECD centres for food distribution but the need was greater than we could supply and we then  appealed to our communities.


 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, …” Charles Dickens 

At times like these, when the world is in crisis, we will see the best and the worst of people.  In this time of panic, people will hoard toilet paper and hand sanitiser but watch this space... the majority of people will also come together and rally around community and that is the beauty of the human race.

With the worldwide shut down due to the Covid-19 virus we have postponed all events for the foreseeable future.

We have suspended our sport and academic activities in line with the shut-down of schools, however, we feel we cannot shut down the feeding programme when the community is at its most vulnerable and will continue to provide food as long as it is safe to do so.  We could not go on without mentioning our partners who have jumped into action to ensure our children get fed.  First and foremost, the Shoprite group have offered access to their Soup Truck as part of their #ActForChange initiative  and this will ensure that each child receives soup and bread each day - they have gone over and above and assisted with additional unforeseen expenses. Thank you Shoprite Holdings - you certainly do ACT FOR CHANGE.   Leon Glanvill, Housemaster of School House at Bishops Diocesan College has opened their kitchen so that we can safely store the food.  The City of Cape Town will be working with our staff to ensure that  this is rolled out  responsibly with social distancing enforced -  the health and safety of our children and staff is our priority.   

Vusa Rugby and Learning Academy Status Report November 2019

I am living the dream of many young boys in South Africa.  I am also living the dream of the young boy who learned to play (and love) rugby in the Zwide township in PE. 

When the VUSA squad went on tour to PE, I told them to go out and do their best and that we would do the same in Japan.  We are so proud to bring home the Webb Ellis Cup for each and every child at VUSA – for each and every child in South Africa who has a dream.   I told them to fight as hard as they can for their dreams and not to let anyone tell them that they can’t make it.  If we can give children opportunities, they will broaden their dreams.

 #StrongerTogether #AwakeningOpportunities.

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Mid Year Report 2019

Our rugby programme has made excellent progress, easily measured by the standard of rugby played and the increase in numbers. The real value of the rugby programme has been the increase in self-discipline, punctuality, dress and general conduct of our members. The sense of team is so clearly evident at Saturday's matches. The VUSA songs and the players all supporting each other is a testimony to the culture of excellence we strive to create.

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